For fiduciaries who did fare well on the Self-Assessment of Fiduciary Excellence, an Assessment of Fiduciary Excellence is the appropriate next step. This assessment is based upon the Global Fiduciary Standard of Excellence for Investment Stewards. The Standard consists of twenty-two practices organized under a four-step Fiduciary Quality Management System. The steps are consistent with the global ISO 9000 Quality Management standard, which emphasizes continual improvement to a decision-making process.
The Assessment of Fiduciary Excellence provides fiduciaries with an independent, third-party evaluation documenting that their organization is not just fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities, but that their prudent process adheres to the highest fiduciary standards.
The ultimate evidence of fiduciary excellence is to obtain Fiduciary Certification through the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX.)
The insurance industry recognizes the value of a CEFEX Certification so your organization can qualify for up to a 25% discount on your professional liability insurance coverage.